API Reference

class pylibczi.CziFile(czi_filename, metafile_out='', use_pylibczi=True, verbose=False)[source]

Zeiss CZI file object.

czi_filename (str): Filename of czifile to access.
metafile_out (str): Filename of xml file to optionally export czi meta data to.
use_pylibczi (bool): Set to false to use Christoph Gohlke’s czifile reader instead of libCZI.
verbose (bool): Print information and times during czi file access.


Utilizes compiled wrapper to libCZI for accessing the CZI file.

static plot_image(image, figno=1, doplots_ds=1, reduce=<function mean>, interp_string='nearest', show=True)[source]

Generic image plot using matplotlib.

figno (int): Figure number to use.
doplots_ds (int): Downsampling reduce factor before plotting.
reduce (func): Function to use for block-reduce downsampling.
interp_string (str): Interpolation string for matplotlib imshow.
show (bool): Whether to show images or return immediately.

Read image data from all subblocks and create single montaged image.

(m,n,nchan ndarray): Montaged image from all subblocks.

Extract all metadata from czifile.

Attributes Modified:
meta_root (etree): xml class containing root of the extracted meta data.
class pylibczi.CziScene(czi_filename, scene=1, ribbon=0, metafile_out='', tifffile_out='', verbose=False)[source]

Zeiss CZI scene image and metadata.

Access functions allow for reading of czi metadata to extract information for a particular scene.

czi_filename (str): Filename of czifile to access scene information in.
scene (int): The scene to load in czifile (starting at 1).
ribbon (int): The ribbon to crop to (starting at 1). Negative value disables the ribbon cropping.
metafile_out (str): Filename of xml file to export czi meta data to.
tifffile_out (str): Filename of tiff file to export czi scene image to.
verbose (bool): Print information and times during czi file access.


Utilizes compiled wrapper to libCZI for accessing the CZI file.

export_tiff(save_tiff_ds=8, reduce=<function mean>, fn=None)[source]

Export scene image to tiff file.

save_tiff_ds (int): Downsampling reduce factor before exporting.
fn (str): Filename of tiff to export (default to filename provided in init)

Access function for returning image and scene information.

(m,n,nchan ndarray): The scene image.
(list of n,2 ndarray): List of polygons defining slices in pixels.
(list of n,2 ndarray): List of polygons defining ROIs in pixels.
(2, array): Top-left coordinates of the polygon bounding box in pixels.
(2, array): Size of the polygon bounding box in pixels.


Loads the metadata and scene or ribbon if not currently loaded.

plot_scene(figno=1, doplots_ds=1, reduce=<function mean>, interp_string='nearest', show=True)[source]

Plot scene data using matplotlib.

figno (int): Figure number to use.
doplots_ds (int): Downsampling reduce factor before plotting.
reduce (func): Function to use for block-reduce downsampling.
interp_string (str): Interpolation string for matplotlib imshow.
show (bool): Whether to show images or return immediately.
classmethod readScene(args)[source]

Classmethod to create a CziScene object from args (argparse).

args (argparse.Namespace): As returned by parse_args()

Load scene image from czifile. Loads metadata if not currently loaded.



Attributes Modified:
img (m,n,nchan ndarray): The loaded image data with data type matching that of the image.

Extract metadata from czifile relevant for scene.


Sets class member variables from metadata pertaining to loading the initialized scene (or ribbon).